Autumn Frolicks

“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”

L.M. Montgomery

I have often considered October to be my most favorite month, and now that it is sadly over, I thought I would do a little reminiscing. A journal entry I wrote in mid-October, as part of the RAW Pages I talked about in an earlier post:

“October weather is my favorite. I love the crisp gust of wind that hits me when I walk out of a building, and I love the smell of autumn in the air. I love the trees – they are my friends. “Hello. Good to see you. Don your golden coat again, it grows chilly. Oh, Crimson suits you! Burnt orange – that’s your color.” I love walking down the street and watching the leaves fall, right before my eyes. I often wish I had my camera with me to capture that moment, but then I think that I’d better just remember it. Just yesterday I was sitting on a bench when a stray leaf fluttered right down into my hair. I try to soak up as much of the weather as I can before the chill of winter comes. October weather is an oxymoron. One never knows what to wear, for in the mornings & evenings it’s cold enough to warrant a sweater, but then the sun comes out to play and warms the earth, telling me to shed my layers and feel the warmth on my skin. Maybe that’s what the trees do, too, when they shed their leaves in order to better be caressed by the «chaleur du soleil» …
